Especialización en Inglés

Información de la especialidad

Con esta especialización usted tendrá acceso a todo el mundo, desde oportunidades de trabajo hasta poderse comunicar totalmente en Inglés. Podrá leer de forma comprensiva, sostener una conversación en inglés, hablar en público y poder escribir con claridad sus ideas. Tendrá el conocimiento suficiente para estudiar o vivir en un país de habla inglés. Para poder cursar esta especialidad ya deben tener un inglés nivel medio.

After this specialization you will be able to broaden your world, from job opportunities to the ability to fully communicate in the English Language.

  • You will read comprehensively
  • Hold a conversation in English
  • Speak in Public
  • Write with clarity and convey your ideas.

Puede cursar cualquier curso de forma individual, para lo cual tendrá su diploma. Para obtener la especialiación debe de completar los 5 cursos.

Course Description Precio
Step by Step … English Basics Assistance

Yes, there´s a teacher to solve any questions and grade tests.

Instructional Goals and Purposes

The purpose of this course is for beginner students to acquire and control of the sound structures and sentence patterns of basic introductory English grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Course Objectives

Student Learning Outcomes after successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Grammar – Identify the verb «be» in the simple present tense and recognize articles, adjectives, and nouns surrounding the verb “be” and identify other verbs, negatives, questions, and short answers in the simple present tense as well as some basic imperatives, adverbs, and modals at the introductory level.
  • Vocabulary – Match very simple definitions to basic vocabulary words from familiar themes (family, places, daily activities, colors, food, clothes, body parts).
  • 3. Listening – Recognize main ideas and details from introductory level listening passages.
  • Speaking/Pronunciation – Cite basic vocabulary words and sounds with correct intonation, construct basic yes/no questions, and state appropriate oral responses to simple questions.
  • Reading/Writing – Identify grammar and content from introductory level reading passages and construct simple sentences in writing using introductory level grammar and vocabulary.



This Course contains twelve modules which hold strategies useful to handle the 4 basic skills of: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.

Modules which cover equally:
Reading: Common reading strategies that help readers with their comprehension are pre-reading, questioning, clarifying, visualizing, and re-reading. Modeling each of the reading strategies for students.
Speaking: Greet others Use basic vocabulary for social interaction Ask simple questions in short phrases, produce simple statements, express lack of understanding, respond to simple questions in a familiar situation.
Writing: Write basic personal information. Write familiar simple words and short phrases from dictation. Complete short, simplified forms. Write lists (e.g., shopping) and personal schedules. Write some simple phrases and simple sentences related to familiar situations. Use some simple basic punctuation. (e.g., capitalization, periods, commas, to get written messages across based once again on personal interests and opinion or on information.
Series of activities and exercises aimed to incorporate knowledge acquired to practical situations which will motivate the student as progress can be easily attained and checked.

Course Description Precio
Cut to the chase … Business English 1 Assistance

Yes, there ́s a teacher to solve any questions and grade tests.

Instructional Goals and Purposes

The purpose of this course is to teach students to apply the basic rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, number usage, and punctuation; utilize terminology applicable to technical and business writing, develop proofreading and editing skills; and write effective sentences and paragraphs for business applications.

Course Objectives

The Business English 1 course is designed to prepare students to use English in a present or future work situation.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Develop basic skills to deal with people in business situations
  • Increase their knowledge of key business concepts worldwide
  • Write and read basic business reports, faxes, and memos
  • Expand vocabulary related to general business situations
  • Develop confidence to deal with people and basic issues in the business world
  • Identify differences and similarities between doing business in North America and in other countries



This Course contains twelve modules divided into the core lessons of Business topic, Business skills and Learning strategies. This module division of material makes it flexible to the needs and requirements of each learner.

Modern, business-related topics to engage students and involve them in the practice of everyday business
An integrated grammar syllabus offering extensive functional practice Varied activities and learner strategies to motivate and support student in their studies

Course Description Precio
Say it loud… Public Speaking Assistance

Yes, there ́s a teacher to solve any questions and grade tests.

Instructional Goals and Purposes

In your life, no matter your occupation, at some point you will be asked to deliver a presentation. In order for you to be an effective speaker, your communication, verbal, nonverbal, and written, must be consistent. Master of the skills used in public speaking will greatly enhance your chances of being understood. An effective presentation includes good content, organization, delivery, audience, and analysis. These are the tools that you will be evaluated on during the course. In addition, the information you will learn will assist you in becoming a more critical consumer of information.

Course Objectives

Public Speaking Course is designed to provide students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to express themselves clearly, with confidence and power, in a variety of speaking situations.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Students will gain experience in interpersonal and public communication.
  • Students will develop strategies for overcoming speech anxiety.
  • Students will practice delivery of professional and personal speeches using visual aids



This Course contains twelve modules divided into the core lessons of Speech topics, Speaking skills and Investigative strategies. This module division of material makes it flexible to the needs and requirements of each learner.

You will have two major speeches (Informative and Persuasive). The two major speeches will count for 80% of the total score for the course each will be worth 40 points).
You will be allowed to use an index card as a reference point. We will talk more about this when the time comes.

Course Description Precio
Write here, Write now… Composition Assistance

Yes, there ́s a teacher to solve any questions and grade tests

Instructional Goals and Purposes

This is a course in essay composition. A knowledge of spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and paragraph generation are needed for entrance into this course. Writing is a very important part of your university study. You will write assignments that range from one paragraph to several pages long.

Course Objectives

The Composition Course is designed to develop writing skills that will lead to Academic success.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Write unified, coherent paragraphs with details, examples, and evidence to support and clarify generalizations.
  • Proofread and revise mechanical errors and stylistic problems and determine appropriate diction for the audience and purpose.
  • Convey their thoughts in organized and structurally proficient prose.
  • Convey their thoughts in clear, specific, and grammatically correct prose.
  • Support their thoughts in research based, persuasive prose.
  • Interpret, explain, and evaluate texts and information sources.
  • Communicate using the appropriate vocabulary for the intended audience.



This Course contains twelve modules divided into the core lessons of prewriting strategies, structure of a paragraph, development of a paragraph and outlining an Essay. This module division of material makes it flexible to the needs and requirements of each learner.

You will have 4 major Essays (narrative, descriptive, expository and argumentative). The 4 major essays will count for 80% of the total score for the course (each will be worth 20 points).
  • Support their thoughts in research based, persuasive prose.
  • Interpret, explain, and evaluate texts and information sources.
  • Communicate using the appropriate vocabulary for the intended audience.

Course Description Precio
Transcendence of an apprentice… Training of English as a foreign language 1 Assistance

Yes, there ́s a teacher to solve any questions and grade tests

Instructional Goals and Purposes

The purpose of this course is to develop basic skills as well as grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation to complete successfully standardized evaluations aimed to various uses, from communication improvement and effective connection with new information to scholarship applications and effectiveness while sharing information processed and learned.

Course Objectives

The Training of English as a Foreign Language 1 course is designed to prepare students in the acquisition of knowledge and various ways to deal with it. By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Develop strategies to activate existing language knowledge to be able to connect it with new data in new, practical situations
  • Develop strategies aimed to identify communication problems and enhance the skills useful to solve the areas of conflict
  • Develop reading skills and strategies such as skimming and scanning
  • Develop listening skills to identify main ideas, supportive details, key words and vocabulary in context
  • Develop critical thinking to relate information with new situations and be able to come up with new points of view
  • Develop confidence to deal with time while having a standardized test and to pace oneself to make the most of the time in such testing experience
  • Become more comfortable to produce oral and written communications identifying the best vocabulary and ideas to be used in academic contexts
  • Become more fluent in the speaking area and more effective in the writing communications to be able to improve proficiently in the productive areas of the English language.



This Course contains twelve modules which hold strategies useful to handle proficiently the main four skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing; knowledge on how receptive skills (Reading and Listening) are organized in order to find the main topics, sub-topics, details and their development as well as the exemplification to support such details; the course also contains a series of strategies to identify the different types of questions that might come in a standardized evaluation and where to find the answers according to the structure of the texts or audios in which the information is presented; finally a series of strategies to work accurately on the productive skills (Speaking and Writing) from structure, word choice, grammar, syntax, capitalization, and punctuation to fluency, pose, eye contact, and stanza. This module division of material makes it flexible to the needs and requirements of each learner.

Modules which cover equally:
Reading skills and reading structure to analyze vocabulary, sentence types, inferences, and fact usage.
Listening skills and listening structure to comprehend the difference between a conversation listening, a lecture, or an interactive presentation.

Speaking skills and an overview of an independent speaking task which comes from opinion, beliefs, and personal choices, and contrary to that an integrated speaking task which comes from analyzing written or oral information and how they are related in an objective fashion.
Writing skills to get written messages across based once again on personal interests and opinion or on information analyzed from different sources, readings or listening excerpts.
Series of activities and exercises aimed to incorporate knowledge acquired to practical situations which will motivate the student as progress can be easily attained and self-checked.

Course Description Precio
Beyond Books and Words… Literature Assistance

Yes, there ́s a teacher to solve any questions and grade tests

Instructional Goals and Purposes

This course presents a survey of American literature. Students will study works of fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts.
Students will gain a foundation of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, develop principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse world, and advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning.

Course Objectives

This course directly meets the following of these 5 Core Objectives:

  • Critical Thinking Skills: To include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information
  • Communication Skills: To include effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication
  • Empirical Skills: To include the analysis data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions
  • Personal Responsibility: To include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision making
  • Social Responsibility: To include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities


Methods of Instruction

This is a multimedia class, and as such may include lectures, assigned readings, discussions, videos, electronic documents, PowerPoints, and more. It also features regular class presentations by students about authors/works that are in addition to the assigned readings.

    • This Course contains twenty-four lessons divided into two parts. This module division of material makes it flexible to the needs and requirements of each learner.

    • Diploma

Course Description Precio
Uno a uno

Tutoría o conversación personalizada con un maestro de inglés. Esta es una excelente práctica para perfeccionar el hablar en inglés. Puede solicitar las horas que necesite, así como los horarios. Estas son vía Teams o Zoom.

Q130 x hora

Requerimientos Técnicos

Esta es una lista de los requisitos básicos del sistema para utilizar Escolaris. Siempre se recomienda utilizar las versiones más recientes y las mejores conexiones. Aun así, Escolaris funcionará con las especificaciones mínimas, pero puede experimentar tiempos de carga más lentos.

Escolaris y su infraestructura de alojamiento fueron diseñados para una compatibilidad máxima y requisitos mínimos.

Tamaño de pantalla
  • Escolaris se ve mejor con un mínimo de 800×600, el cual es el tamaño promedio para una notebook. Si quiere ver Escolaris en un aparato con una pantalla más pequeña, le recomendamos usar la aplicación móvil de Escolaris.
Sistemas operativos
  • Windows 7 y más nuevos (los usuarios de Windows 10 necesitan descargar la actualización aniversario de Windows 10.) para presentar las tareas de Escolaris.
  • Mac OSX 10.6 y más nuevos.
  • Linux – chromeOS.
Soporte para App Nativa de Sistema Operativo Móvil
  • iOS 11 y más nuevos (las versiones varían según el dispositivo).
  • Android 8 y más nuevos.
Velocidad de computadora y procesador
  • Use una computadora de 5 años de antigüedad o de modelo más reciente si es posible.
  • 2GB de RAM.
  • Procesador de 1.8GHZ.
Velocidad de Internet
  • Escolaris ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado no sólo para tener compatibilidad y cumplir con los estándares web, sino para adaptarse a los bajos entornos de ancho de banda.
  • Mínimo de 1 Mbps.
Lectores de pantalla
  • Macintosh: VoiceOver. (la última versión para Safari).
  • PC: JAWS. (la última versión para Internet Explorer).
  • PC: NVDA. (la última versión para Firefox).
  • No hay soporte para los lectores de pantalla para Escolaris en Chrome.

Aspectos importantes para considerar

Code Avengers es una plataforma de aprendizaje en línea, que se ejecuta en un navegador web y no necesita instalar ningún tipo de software.

A continuación, encontrará algunos aspectos técnicos a considerar para tener una buena experiencia usando esta plataforma:

Requerimientos Mínimos
  • Debe disponer de una conexión a Internet estable y constante, con un mínimo de 3 Mbps.
  • Se recomienda usar Google Chrome o Firefox ya que su funcionamiento es mucho mejor en cualquiera de estos navegadores web.
  • Los cursos de coding o programación en la plataforma requieren del uso de un teclado (Keyboard)= y un ratón (Mouse).
  • Esta plataforma funciona también en iPads con iOS versión 10 o superior, también funciona en un rango amplio de tablets con Sistema Android.
  • Code Avengers suporta una resolución de pantalla mínima de 1024 x 768 pixeles (algunas partes de la interfaz serán difíciles de utilizar en pantallas más pequeñas).
  • Se recomienda ajustar el zoom del navegador al 100% para experimentar una experiencia aceptable.
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